
Climix is a tool to calculate climate indices. We focus on high performance for the efficient calculation of indices in large datasets, such as long simulations performed by high-resolution global or regional climate models, and on high-quality metadata, maximizing re-use and utility of these computations.

For now, we always base our calculations on daily input, though an extension to sub-daily input for specialized indices, or monthly input for long-running datasets with limited data availability may be considered in the future.

Getting started#


If you already have an installed version of Climix available, you can move on to Calculating a first index.

The easiest way to install Climix is using the Conda-forge distribution.

Calculating a first index#

As a first example, let’s calculate the index cdd or consecutive dry days. This index is based on precipitation, which we provide to Climix in the form of a Netcdf file. Climix works with a wide variety of these files which are commonly used for climate and earth data. Here, we use as a standin, try to run the program with a precipitation data file of your choosing, for example from CMIP6.

climix -x cdd -o

You select the index you want to calculate with the -x option. Climix will store the result in a new Netcdf file in the current working directory. You can specify the name with the -o option as we did above, or you can let Climix choose a filename. For further information, see Output template generation.


For a quick overview of the available indices you can give the command: climix -x list

You will see a message Calculation completed when Climix is done with the computation.

Output template generation#

When running Climix, it automatically generates an output template for the filename. This works well for files with the same basic filename structure, where only the time stamp, variable and simulation components differ. For example, given an index cdd and two input files:


The output template starts with the index that is being computed, in this case cdd. If there is any period constrains it will be connected to the index with a hyphen, e.g, cdd-jfm. Thereafter, the parts that are similar between the files are kept. If the input files contains both historical and scenario simulations, these will be concatenated with a hyphen in the output template. The time period of the template will always represent the whole period as covered by all files. Thus, it will be reformatted to ensure hyphenated form, start-end, even in the case of a single timestamp, e.g, a single year. A computational_period can be given as input argument to define a new time period. This period must be given in the format yyyy-mm-dd/yyyy-mm-dd and must be inside the original time period. If the input files contains a frequency keyword, the keyword will be replaced by the output frequency. Otherwise, the output frequency will be added to the end of the output template. The input files from above would result in the following output template:



If Climix fails to construct the output template because the time period could not be determined, the template will be given as {index}_{base}.nc. If the construction failes due to any other problems the fallback template {index}_{frequency}.nc will be returned.


This works well with CMIP/CORDEX style filenames.